Layla Mehdi Pour

Layla Mehdi Pour è una designer iraniana che vive a Torino.

Dopo essersi laureata in Disegno Industriale all’Università di Arte di Teheran decide di proseguire i suoi studi in Italia, laureandosi allo IUAV di Venezia nel 2008.

Si specializza al Politecnico di Torino, conseguendo la laurea in Design del Prodotto Ecocompatibile.

Da qui in poi inizia la sua carriera di designer di prodotto. Il suo lavoro punta a rivedere gli oggetti di uso quotidiano trasformandoli con soluzioni innovative e attuali.

Layla Mehdi Pour is a Turin-based product designer with Iranian origins.

She graduated from the Art University of Tehran with a degree in Industrial Design, and later continued her studies in Italy, where she graduated from IUAV in Venice in 2008.

After this, she pursued her postgraduate degree in Eco Efficient Product Design at Polytechnic of Turin.

Layla is currently building her career; her work focuses on reinventing everyday objects by transforming them into innovative and fresh pieces.


Tent London 2012 | Selected works by IDES | London

Superstudio Più 2013 | Temporay museum for new design | Milan

Torino Design Week 2013 | Selected works by SwartLab | Torino

Paratissima 2013 Torino | Selected works by SwartLab | Torino

Milan Design week 2014 | Selected works for Indipendent Hub | Milan

Tent London 2014 | London Design Festival | London

Spring Fair 2015 | Birmingham

Stockholm Furniture and Light fair 2015 | DesignBoom mart | Stockholm

Milan Design Week 2015 | OED_leofficine | Milan

Sperimenta @ homi 2015 | Milan

Month of Design 2015 | Ljubljana

Realizzazioni: SOPHIENOOR

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